April 25 - 26, 2013    Yaounde , Cameroon
Now in its 3rd successful year, the CTO’s Commonwealth Cybersecurity Forum has been developed to assist stakeholders to implement robust and effective Cybersecurity frameworks, in order to assure the safety, security and resilience of Cyber Space. This will pave the way to leverage the potentials of Cyberspace for the benefit of mankind, in particular to help the most marginalised across the world to achieve greater socio-economic development. The Cybersecurity Forum 2013 will be held from 25th to 26th April 2013, at the Yaoundé Conference Centre, Cameroon.

Key topics:
• Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Customising global standards to national contexts
• Safe surfing for the young: Child Online Protection, a joint programme by the ITU and the CTO implemented in, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria and Sierra Leone
• Ensuring security while preserving privacy: Conflict between national security interests and individual’s rights
• Implications of online identity theft: From financial loss to emotional trauma
• Building norms of behaviour: Through multi-stakeholder partnerships across borders

The CTO is partnering with the International Telecommunications Union to implement Child Online Protection in six CTO member countries (Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria and Sierra Leone) as a precursor to rolling out the programme across Africa. From 22nd to 24th April, six half-day workshops will be held at the same venue to finalize the individual plans for each of the beneficiary countries.


Location: Palais de Congress Yaoundé
Contact Yaoundé Cameroon Yaounde , Cameroon

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Cybersecurity Forum June 22 - 23, 2011