February 14 - 16, 2014    Friedrichshafen , Germany

Visitors: 23000
Exhibitors: 300
Area: 10000 sqm.

Internationale Fachmesse für PFERDE -Sport, -Zucht, -Haltung

Every two years, turned the horse Constance the halls in a world of experience for riders and horse lovers.

The expertise and the entertainment value of the international trade fair.International exhibitors inform about new offers and trends related to the topics HORSE sport, breeding and husbandry.


Location: Neue Messe Friedrichshafen
The exhibition site next to Lake Constance has gained a unique reputation in recent years. No matter whether the topic is land, sea or air - the trade fairs and exhibitions at Friedrichshafen play a..
Contact Neue Messe 1 88046 Friedrichshafen , Germany
+49 (0)7541/708-0

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