August 21 - 23, 2012    Sao Paulo , Brazil
Your key to success in Latin America

Metering, Billing/CRM Latin America is the region’s leading meeting place for smart utility professionals and your platform to discuss the latest developments, solutions and benchmarks in the smart utility industry.

Now in its 10th year, Metering, Billing/CRM Latin America is the most established event for smart utility professionals, with over 80 exhibitors and an expected audience of 2500 participants.

The smart metering industry is constantly changing with many new directions and market opportunities, the most notable of which is the shift towards smart grid and smart energy solutions. Join us to develop your future business strategy for the Latin America region.

Afshin Shaybani,Albert Cheung,Alex Riedel,Alexandre Siciliano,Alexandre Zim,Alicia Carrasco and many more.


Location: Transamerica Expo Center
Opened up in August of 2001, Transamerica Expo Center is one of the integral part of the conglomerate Alfa and is operating varied events segments from more than 20 years through the chain of hotels..
Contact Av. Dr. Mrio Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 Santo Amaro Sao Paulo , Brazil
+55 (11) 5643 3000

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