March 21 - 23, 2012    Saint Petersburg , Russia
The primary aim of the Forum is promotion and introduction onto the Russian market of innovative environmental equipment and technologies, enabling the retention of natural resources, development of environmental protection and improvement of the population living-conditions in big cities.

There are a number of specialized events held within the Forum: the exhibitions «Waste management: technologies and equipment», «Water treatment», «Air protection» and «Environmental services and equipment»; the congress «Modern megacity: technologies for ecology», specialized expositions, conferences, round-table discussions and information seminars with the participation of the leading experts in the sphere of environmental protection, representatives of governmental and business authorities; visits to the functioning environmental facilities.


Location: Lenexpo Fairgrounds
"Lenexpo" complex possesses a number of significant advantages which help the company run successful business, and make it meet all the requirements, usually put for the exhibition conduction. It..
Contact 103 Bolshoy Prospect St. Petersburg, 199106 Saint Petersburg , Russia
7 (812) 217 2047 +7 812 321-2615