26 March, 2015    London , Reino Unido
Big Data Summit: Effective Data Management and Analytics to Drive Successful Projects
Computing is proud to announce that the 4th annual Big Data Summit will take place in London on 26 March 2015.

Following the huge success of the Big Data & Analytics Summit 2014, which brought together 200 delegates and leading industry speakers, Computing is proud to present Big Data & Analytics Summit 2015.

Alejandro Jaimes, Nigel Davis, Kevin Gallagher, Davide Cervellin, Trevor Attridge, James Robbins,Charles Ewen,Martyn Croft and more...


Location: The Waldorf Hilton
Contact Aldwych Twickenham , United Kingdom
+44 20 7836 2400


Incisive Media Investments Limited
Haymarket House 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4RX United Kingdom
+44(0) 207 316 9000

Eventos relacionados

Big Data Summit 26 March, 2015