April 3 - 4, 2014    Corpus Christi TX , Estados Unidos
The Sixth Annual Green Technologies Conference will be held in Corpus Christi. The conference solicits original unpublished papers on Green Technology. The theme will be green technology deployed in marine and coastal environments but all original unpublished papers on Green Technology, Renewable Energy, and Clean Technology will be considered. Selected topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Ocean/Tidal/Wind/Solar/Geothermal Energy Conversion
Green Energy Generation and Storage
Green Energy Transmission and Distribution, Smartgrid
Biomass, Bio-Fuel as Green Energy
Green Buildings
Green Energy Policies, Management and Control
Green Energy Pedagogy and Curricula

• Keynote Speakers
Mehrdad (Mark) Ehsani, Ph. D., P. E., F. IEEE, F. SAE
Qing-Chang Zhong, FIET, SMIEEE


Location: Omni Corpus Christi Hotel
Contact 707 N Shoreline Blvd. Corpus Christi , USA

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