June 3 - 5, 2013
One-third to one-half of the original oil-in-place may remain in a reservoir as it reaches abandonment due to its economic limit. The primary reasons are heterogeneity of the reservoir, unfavorable fluid properties, inefficient nature of the displacement process, oil price and production cost considerations. The secondary reasons, however, are: inappropriate development, inefficient reservoir management practices, and escalating costs of remedial interventions/corrective measures and producing operations.

The oil recovery is generally lower than expected due to some combination of the above reasons. Gaining a better understanding of the reservoir fundamentals and the important variables that influence the recovery process can enhance it.

This overview course aims to provide such an understanding. It presents the subject material with a clear focus on: developing and producing the reservoir efficiently within its complexity constraints, harnessing energies available within the reservoir-aquifer-injection system, realizing technical benefits and application limitations of the various EOR methods, and selecting the appropriate optimum time.


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