April 13 - 14, 2013    Allentown PA , Estados Unidos
Allentown, PA ~ April 13 & 14

Wear comfortable shoes; there's a lot to see!
Come early; you can look over the program and trade Artist Trading Cards,
check the floor plan, and map out your strategy.
In line for admission, have your cash out; exact change will get you in quicker!
Start in the back of the hall and work your way to the front.
Bring a camera, ask permission, and most exhibitors are happy to oblige.
Many have ongoing demonstrations in their booths.
Some booths have make and takes.
Food is available; there is no need to leave, but
your hand is stamped so you can come and go all day.
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!


Location: Allentown Fairgrounds
Contact 302 N 17th St. Allentown , USA