March 6 - 12, 2013    Palm Beach FL , Estados Unidos
March 06-12, 2013 the first stage of research analytics championships and XLVI International Research and Practice Conference "In the beginning there was the Word: history and actual problems of philology and linguistics" is to be held.

The subject of the event is philology.

Closing date for application - March 05, 2013.

The events (Research Analytics Championships and Scientific Conferences) are held in the remote-interactive mode. Organizational and juridical provision of events is carried out at the International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education functioning location – in London (UK).

Working language; English and Russian.


Location: Webinar Venue
Contact none Palm Beach , USA


All-Ukrainian Academic Union
5 Alexandrovsky Avenue, office 13, Odessa, Ukraine, 65045
+38 )095-728-91-98