May 23 - 24, 2013
Second international conference Container Transportation: Optimizing Supply Chains will be held on May 23-24, 2013 in Moscow.

Unstable economic environment in the recent times has caused double-digit decrease in the global cargo traffic volumes, which instantly affected the profits of all the participants of the logistic chain. As a result the fight for the Prime Client, the cargo owner, has become even more fierce. Along with that, Russia’s entering the WTO means the competition in the marketplace will increase.

The only way for the transport companies to stay ahead of the competition is to continually improve the quality of service, which, for the Russian players, is inhibited by legislative inconsistencies and absence of well-adjusted mechanisms along the logistic chain. On the other hand, cargo owners are just as interested in a seamless, inexpensive and quality service.

How to optimize the cargo delivery process from A to Z? Where did the cargo traffic go and how to bring it back? These are the key issues posed to the leading industry experts by the conference participants.

What is special about this event:
• An opportunity for all logistic chain participants to meet on the same page
• First-hand comments from legislators and regulators: Russian Ministry of Transport, Federal Customs Service, OAO Russian Railroads
• Forecasts of leading Russian and international analysts regarding perspective cargo flow developments in the short term.
• An opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in the roundtable format, as well as ask additional questions and elaborate joint-effort practical solutions

Conference Key Issues:
How to grow cargo traffic by optimizing container shipping? What are the short-term perspectives?
Will Russia’s entering WTO facilitate simplification of customs clearance procedures?
What are the new routes and new rates


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