11 October, 2012    Palm Beach FL , Estados Unidos
Soon the New Year! For many - it's a feast, a walk, a mini-vacation, after all. But for the majority of fitness clubs which means that clients at this time will not be simple! Someone at the time goes on a holiday, and someone goes to the guests and noted offensive holiday. That is why now farsighted and experienced managers and owners of fitness clubs are planning sales during New Year's rampage to collect as much money in December and January is not hit on the budget!

Which stocks to hold this year in order to earn the maximum?

Activities that need to take place in low season from clients in the fitness club, the whole year has been fruitful?

Where will the money to have enough for all planned?

How to make a budget, you will use throughout the year?

Where to take the time and money on training?

How to increase the loyalty of your customers?

How to efficiently manage the available at your health club resources?

From questions sometimes goes around the head. Where to get the answers to these questions?


Location: Webinar Venue
Contact none Palm Beach , USA