July 9 - 12, 2012    Singapur , Singapur
Shale Gas World Asia 2012 will bring together Asian national oil companies, energy regulators, IOCs and local oil service companies to meet with international producers, suppliers, seismic, drilling and oil service companies to evaluate the resource potential of shale gas plays in China, India and Indonesia for commerciality and in examining cost-effective technologies & techniques for successful extraction and production in Asia.


Location: Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
Throughout Singapore you will discover entertainment and enterprise; you are surrounded by a variety of business venues and tourist attractions that bring millions of delegates and tourists to this..
Contact 392 Havelock Road Singapore 169663 Suntec City , Singapore
+65 6233 1122 +65 6733 0880

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Shale Gas World Asia July 9 - 12, 2012
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