17 April, 2012
Asia's definitive conference for financial leaders

Over 150 Senior Level Financial Leaders gathered at The CFO Show Asia 2011 in April to discuss their key priorities and challenges, share best practices and innovate to achieve excellence in the finance function in their organisation.

Download CFO Show Asia 2011 Post-Event Report

The CFO Show Asia is a high level and strategic conference that brings together Chief Financial Officers, key stakeholders and professional service providers across the Asia Pacific region to meet, network and explore best finance practices, frameworks and strategies that will boost their organisation's profitability.

Get exclusive face time with CFOs from Asia's leading companies
-Establish credibility and showcase leadership by affiliating with CFOs
-Connect with key decision makers from Asia, across industry verticals
-Rise above the competition and differentiate yourself from your peers
-Position yourself at the forefront of CFO solutions by effectively marketing your brand and products
-Generate genuine leads in a time and cost-effective manner. Gain exclusive access to one-on-one meetings with prominent CFOs of your preferred industries.


Sorry, this event is quite new so we couldn't find any venue information.
Please check again in the near future.

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CFO Show Asia 17 April, 2012
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