April 3 - 6, 2013    Las Vegas NV , Estados Unidos
The ISA Sign Expo appeals to a worldwide audience.
The Sign Expo's global reach has also expanded throughout the years. Sign Expo 2011 hosted thousands of international visitors in Las Vegas from more than 89 countries.

The ISA Sign Expo puts the focus on innovative business solutions.
The enormous popularity of the ISA International Sign Expo mirrors the growth the sign industry itself has experienced over the last 60 years. The advent of digital print imaging for use in visual communications has largely contributed to the expansion. In addition to digital print imaging, dynamic digital signage has taken a prominent place among today's signage solutions. Advancements and innovations in digital technology will continue to energize the marketplace.


Location: Mandalay Bay Convention Center
From executive gatherings to international conventions and trade shows, Mandalay Bay has the venues, expertise and resources to make your Las Vegas event a success. Imagine hosting your next sales..
Contact 3950 Blvd. South , Nevada 89119 Las Vegas , USA
+1 702-322-5700
+1 702-322-5777

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