July 26 - 29, 2009    Barcelona , España
ICDAR is an outstanding international forum for researchers and practitioners at all levels of experience for identifying, encouraging and exchanging ideas on the state-of-the-art in document analysis, understanding, retrieval, and performance evaluation, including various forms of multimedia documents. ICDAR'2009 will be the 10th Conference in the series. The previous ones were ICDAR'91 in Saint Malo (France), ICDAR'93 in Tsukuba (Japan), ICDAR'95 in Montreal (Canada), ICDAR'97 in Ulm (Germany), ICDAR'99 in Bangalore (India), ICDAR'01 in Seattle (USA), ICDAR'03 in Edinburgh (Scotland), ICDAR'05 in Seoul (Korea) and ICDAR'07 in Curitiba (Brazil).


Location: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Contact Barcelona , Spain