June 13 - 17, 2015    Palm Beach FL , Vereinigte Staaten
Graduatecentral.com is a novel & pioneer initiative where graduates can publish their innovative thoughts, sharp & excellent ideas, reports, novel hypothesis & opinions instantly without any time lag. Graduate central emphasize on open peer review process with an idea of “open peer commentary” or “open peer forum”, aiming at timely dissemination of novel ideas and inventions around the globe. This makes all the graduates to add their contribution & share their opinion in the overflowing highly knowledge-filled scientific ocean.
GraduateCentral conduits the reports to the scientific community by employing open peer-review process, where the reports are published immediately after the editor’s acceptance on the website, followed by post publication peer-review process, wherein the experts from all over the globe can access and post their comments for the betterment. Thus, the peer-review process becomes a cyclic one where the revision and amendments are carried throughout. Multiple unrestricted opinions from the adepts enable and ensure to meet the highest standards, without editorial bias.
Mental health & Human Resilience takes this opportunity to aid the graduates in propagating their innovations at comparatively short period of time. It is an Open Access, scientific, peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments with highest impact factor. Submit your innovative thoughts at [email protected]


Location: Webinar Venue
Kontaktieren none Palm Beach , USA

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