27 October, 2016    Newark NJ , 美国
Gain a thorough overview of Immuno-Oncology in one day. Learn face-to-face from a team of specialist physicians and experts who share current information and expertise. Topics include: The immune system – a guide Introduction to immunotherapies Overview of immune therapy in cancer An example in practice – lung cancer An example in practice – melanoma Learn alongside industry peers from a mix of geographical markets and job specifications. Small class size with positive learning environment. Ample opportunity for discussion and to have your questions answered. Training benefits medical and non-medical staff from pharma, medtech, biotech & associated life-science industries. This immuno-oncology education program is ideal for clinical research, medical information, regulatory affairs, biometrics & strategic marketing personnel. Training takes place in a central location easily accessible for travel worldwide. Group registration rates can be offered. Get in touch for details. In one day you will gain the information you need to discuss immune-oncology credibly.


Location: Newark Airport Marriott
联系 International Airport Newark , USA


Healthcare Education Services
Stanta Business Centre, 3 Soothouse Spring, St Albans AL3 6PF, United Kingdom
+44 1727 809917