June 23 - 24, 2014    罗马 , 意大利
IT organizations have been facing many changes in recent years, and some have an unprecedented impact. On top of the list are the diminishing influence over the business, loss of control over what IT services will be delivered and how, as well as the need to increase the speed and agility of IT projects. At the core of this problem is the emergence of 3rd platform and consumerization of IT, where innovative technologies are now coming from the consumer world rather than the businesses world. This challenges the traditional role of IT, yet it also represents an opportunity for IT to reinvent itself. IT must transform itself by becoming a leader in the new technologies and developing strategies to deliver new IT capabilities quicker, thus making IT an indispensable business enabler rather than a just a utility or a service. This Conference will explain how the 3rd Platform technologies like Cloud, Mobile, BYOT and Web API enable this transformation and fuel new IT innovation.

This Conference will demonstrate in details how each of these technologies can be used to create new IT opportunities, minimize risks and overcome the challenges they pose. Case in point, Cloud requires IT to take on new roles, for example as a Cloud service provider, service broker, and Cloud consulting organization, let alone to create solutions and convince the business community when Cloud needs to be in IT control and when it’s appropriate to yield control to the public Cloud provider. The diversity of mobile devices can be successfully supported with the right mobile architecture and strategy, which needs to consider platform and user experience requirements, available skills, as well as the demand for integration. BYOT is here to stay, but proper usage guidelines and security controls must be put in place, striking the right balance between enabling employees and enforcing company policies. Web API is quickly becoming the norm on how companies allow the outside world to access the


Location: Residenza di Ripetta
联系 via di Ripetta, 231 - 00186 Roma Rome , Italy