April 7 - 11, 2014    悉尼 , 澳大利亚
1th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture

WICSA is the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in finding out about and improving the state of practice of Software Architecture. Since its inception, WICSA has functioned as a working conference, where researchers meet practitioners and where practicing software architects can explain the problems that they face in their day-to-day work and so influence the future of the field. Next to traditional conference keynotes and paper sessions WICSA includes interactive working sessions where practitioners and researchers discuss their experiences to understand the current state of the field, and identify opportunities to make a difference in the future.

WICSA 2014 is held in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is a cosmopolitan and compact capital where form follows the function, where both sea and deep forests are just a stone’s throw away.

The conference is proudly to have the following keynote presenters:
Dr. Swee Lim, Architect at LinkedIn, San Francisco Bay Are, USA


Location: Vibe Hotel Sydney
联系 111 Goulburn St. Sydney , Australia