April 23 - 25, 2014    台北 , 台湾
Green building and smart-grid technologies, Power electronics for energy saving, Intelligent and green power-electronic devices and systems, Green energy and smart grid for buildings, Status and developments of green buildings and smart-grids (in Taiwan and elsewhere), Intelligent and green lighting technologies, Electric vehicles and components, Renewable energy research and applications, Building and home communication technologies, Building management and maintenance operation networks, Ubiquitous building/home network access: technologies, applications, standards, Smart multifunction telephony: merging of TV, phone, and Web services, In-building power-line communications, Intelligent building/home optical and wireless technologies, e-Applications and related technology, Bio-electronic devices and systems for remote safety and health monitoring, Distributed home multimedia and entertainment, Building and home security and safety systems.


Location: National Taiwan University
联系 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd. TAIWAN, ROC Taiwan 10617 Taipei , Taiwan