February 5 - 6, 2014    Gothenburg , 瑞典

The show where 100% of the exhibitors do business!

Year after year, KONFEX& EVENTS continues to grow. This shows the great need for a forum that allows businesses providing events, conferences and business travel to exhibit their products directly to the professionals that need and use them. The opportunity to see first-hand what's on offer, to ask questions and get immediate answers, and to make valuable contacts for future occasions makes it easier for buyers of these services to take informed and well-founded purchasing decisions.


Location: Eriksberg Exhibition and Conference Centre
联系 Maskingatan 11 Gothenburg , Sweden
+46 (0)31/7791111


KONFEX & EVENTS Goteborg February 5 - 6, 2014
KONFEX & EVENTS Goteborg February 6 - 7, 2013
KONFEX & EVENTS Goteborg February 8 - 9, 2012
KONFEX & EVENTS Goteborg February 9 - 10, 2011
KONFEX & EVENTS Goteborg January 19 - 20, 2011