March 3 - 4, 2011
The fourth Future of Genomic Medicine conference will focus on the extraordinary advances that are occurring in the field, which include whole genome and exome sequencing, new gene expression tests for routine medical practice, and consumer genomics. The 2011 conference will include in depth sessions on cancer genomics and diabetes, two areas in which there have been particularly remarkable progress. We will feature sessions on “views from the outside” with speakers who are journalists and public figures, not scientists. Our overarching goal is to spearhead efforts to change medicine using genomics.

After participating in this course, the attendee should be able to:

* Demonstrate the unmet needs of medicine today with respect to more targeted, individualized prevention and treatments.
* Discuss the opportunities of the genome, proteome, metabolome discovery to change medical practice as it exists today.
* Assess how changes and advances in technology are rapidly ushering in a whole array of new pathways for individualized medicine of the future.
* Explore specific strategies in cancer, cardiovascular and pharmacogenomic futuristic interventions.


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Please check again in the near future.


Future of Genomic Medicine March 1 - 2, 2012
Future of Genomic Medicine March 3 - 4, 2011