World Trade Center Barcelona
1ª planta, Edif. Este, Moll de , s/n, 08039 , Spain Barcelona , Spain
Tel: +34 935 088 000 |
Discover just how versatile our leading-edge rental offices, congress spaces and meeting rooms are. Apart from the finest views, WTC Barcelona has an extensive range of amenities, shops and services, including a 5-star Grand Luxe hotel. All right beside the Mediterranean and on Barcelona’s most well-connected main road.
Past Events
ECMOR - European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery
The ECMOR conferences started in Cambridge over 24 years ago and through a sequence of meetings in major European centres, continue a tradition of..
September 3 - 6, 2018
European Bim Summit
The second edition of the European BIM Summit will take place in Barcelona on 18th & 19th February 2016.
Organized by The Barcelona Quantity..
February 18 - 19, 2016