October 10 - 12, 2011    Женева , Швейцария
With 3,713 business people and decision makers from 53 countries attending the European Future Energy Forum in London 19-21 October 2010, the organisers are pleased to announce the next event in the European series will be held 4-6 October 2011 in Geneva. 

The move to Geneva in 2011 will create a central hub for international business and government leaders to once again meet and formulate solutions to the Future Energy issues that we continue to face.

The theme for the Forum this year will be 'Cutting Edge Solutions to make Future Energy Ideas a Reality', with a conference programme that aims to generate inspiration and knowledge transfer across energy sectors and geographical regions whilst focusing on actually finding solutions to turn the big ideas into feasible results.

This is an an opportunity for you to present your own ideas, demonstrate technology, debate the issues, find business partnerships, understand the policy decision making process and netowrk with the people who will make the difference.

Место проведения

Location: Geneva Palexpo
- Exhibit space and services under one roof; no dispersal of resources or waste of time. - Swiss organization: security, reliability, perfection, 140 full-time - Language skills in a multilingual..
Обратная связь Case postale 112 CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex Genève Geneva , Switzerland
+41 22 761 11 11

Похожие мероприятия

European Future Energy Forum (EFEF) October 10 - 12, 2011
European Future Energy Forum (EFEF) October 19 - 21, 2010
European Future Energy Forum June 9 - 11, 2009