July 11 - 14, 2016    ニューヨーク NY , 米国
Quant Summit USA offers a rewarding platform for quantitative finance professionals from banks, buy-side firms and academia to share their latest research and innovative solutions designed to tackle challenges coming from the regulatory changes and unbeatable market forces. Join us at Quant Summit USA in 2016 to hear from carefully selected speakers who will present on the most cutting-edge industry research in risk and investment management. The conference is supported by Risk.net's editorial team and the esteemed Advisory Board of key industry practitioners and academics who oversee the agenda production process and help us identify practical and innovative topics to cover at the conference. Twitter: http://atnd.it/54236-1 Facebook: http://atnd.it/54236-2


Location: New York Marriott Downtown
連絡先 85 W St. at Albany St. New York , USA


Incisive Media Investments Limited
Haymarket House 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4RX United Kingdom
+44(0) 207 316 9000


Quant Summit USA July 11 - 14, 2016