9 July, 2011    Oxford , United Kingdom
Innovation and entrepreneurship are the keys to economic development in Africa, and as growth accelerates on the continent there are fresh opportunities for investment. The conference brings together leaders from the worlds of business, to explore several aspects of entrepreneurship in Africa: business development, growth sectors, financing, commercialization of research, new development models, information and communications technologies, natural resources and infrastructure. The discussion will reflect on practical experience, real success and future prospects for growth and opportunity in Africa, and promises to stimulate thought and action with a view to promoting more UK trade and investment in Africa’s dynamic economies. The conference will give you an opportunity to listen to and discuss with business and institutional leaders who have a deep and broad based knowledge on Africa and committed to increasing economic relations with Africa. For further information and booking, go to :http://www.sub-saharagroup.com/


Location: St Anne's College
Contact 56 Woodstock Road, OX2 6HS, , UK Oxford , United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 274800