September 15 - 16, 2010    San Francisco CA , USA
Opal Financial Group's Private Equity Summit For Institutional Investors is an event designed for institutional investors to address current trends in Private Equity, Venture Capital and Leveraged Buyouts. Set to take place in September 2010, this private equity conference will investigate a variety of investment avenues and the most effective strategies for investing in each. We will discuss such issues as private equity portfolio theory, fund of funds as an investment vehicle, private equity buyouts in emerging markets, real estate opportunities and pitfalls, fixed income alternative investments, international investing, and more. In addition, we will cover operation and taxation issues, as well as valuation guidelines in order to keep attendees ahead of the curve. For hotel, cost, and registration information, please see our website or email [email protected].


Location: JW Marriott Hotel San Francisco
Contact 500 Post St. corner of Post and Mason San Francisco , USA