World Bispecific Summit 2017
September 26 - 28, 2017
Boston MA , Estados Unidos

Returning for the 8th time, the World Bispecific Summit is the definitive technical forum uniting industry leaders pioneering progress in this space. With enormous - and as yet unrealized – potential, it’s crucial that the progress of the bispecific candidates currently in development isn’t hampered by surmountable hurdles. Join your peers to discuss strategies, select synergistic targets, validate and compare innovative formats, overcome developability challenges and maximize clinical performance. This year Amgen, Abbvie, MacroGenics, Pfizer and Genentech will be contributing fresh insights, lessons learned and clinical updates specifically geared towards enabling you to realize the potential of your bispecific candidates.
Location: The Colonnade Hotel
Location: 120 Huntington Ave, , 02116, United States Boston , USA

Eventos relacionados
World Bispecific Summit September 26 - 28, 2017
World Bispecific Summit September 28 - 30, 2016