November 11 - 13, 2009    Phoenix AZ , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 28000
Expositores: 800
Zona: 140,000 sqft
Greenbuild 2009 is heading to the American Southwest, a region with unique environmental and social challenges and opportunities, and the imperative is clear: Green building can and must come home to all people, boosting the quality of life on main streets across the country and around the world.

With the world's largest expo hall devoted to green building, Greenbuild is the place to go to learn how green can grow your business. This year's expo hall in Phoenix boasts 1,900 exhibit booths showcasing the latest in innovative products and services.


Location: Phoenix Convention Center
Whether you are attending a seminar or lunchtime event, multi-day conference or formal gala at the Phoenix Convention Center, the experience will be one you will not soon forget – We guarantee it! The..
Contact 100 N. 3rd Street, , Arizona 85004 Phoenix , USA