February 19 - 22, 2011    迪拜 , 阿拉伯联合酋长国
The 6th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition will be held during February 19-22, 2011 in the United Arab Emirates. The conference will provide a forum for professional engineers, scientists and academics engaged in research and development to convene and present their latest scholarly work and applications in industry. It will also provide engineers with an opportunity to interact and share their experiences in technology applications. New developments in industry and their benefits to the GCC countries will be highlighted. The conference will run for four days and will be accompanied by a comprehensive industrial exhibition. Diverse tutorial sessions will be held on the first day of the conference. Papers are invited in all areas of electrical and electronic engineering with a focus on the following technical and application areas:

* Power and Energy
* Control
* Computing and IT
* Communications
* Electronics
* Signal Processing
* Engineering Education
* Industrial Technology Applications


Location: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre
The Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC) is a world-class venue with more than one enviable advantage. We made our international debut as the host venue for the 2003 IMF..
联系 World Trade Centre 1st Floor Sheikh Zayed Road P.O. Box 9292 Dubai , United Arab Emirates


IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition February 19 - 22, 2011
IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition February 21 - 24, 2010