September 21 - 24, 2013    Moscow , Russia

The 19th International Real Estate exhibition-fair SECOND HOME 2013!

It will take place onSeptember 26-29, 2013 in Central House of the Artist, 10 Krymsky Val Str., Moscow (Oktyabrskaya Metro Station).

Organizers exhibition-fair "Second Home" industrial complex PRIVET EXPO with the assistance of the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow region, invites you to the 19th specialized exhibition-fair "Second Home"

The exhibition-fair "Second Home" – provide unique opportunity to obtain detailed information about the suburban, resort and real estate abroad and realize the dream of a second home!

Only at the exhibition "Second Home" 2013!

  • More than 19 thousand visitors within 4 days.
  • More than 140 companies participant from 19 countries.
  • A comfortable fully equipped exhibition platform.
  • A professional team which make your participation successful.


Location: Central House of Artists
The Сentral House of Artist has no analogy neither in Russia nor in Europe. It presents the biggest amount of works and occupied the largest exposition area (about 10000 square meters). It holds more..
Contact 119049, , Krymskiy val, 10 Moscow , Russia
(495) 238-9843, 238-9634