June 23 - 26, 2014    NO CITY , China
11th Annual International CAD Conference, to be held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China.
CAD'14 welcomes novel contributions on the theory and application of Computer Aided Design including modeling, analysis, high-performance graphics, data management, knowledge engineering, collaborative design, reverse engineering, and prototyping. Applications include architecture, bio-medicine, civil engineering, fashion industry, industrial design, sustainable energy design, etc.

CAD'14 is truly an international conference, and we invite you to bring your research to this world audience by submitting/presenting a paper. Attendance at the conference will give you a first hand opportunity to discover the state-of-the-art in CAD and related/emerging topics.


Location: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Contact Clear Water Bay Hong Kong NO CITY , China
(852) 2358 6000

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