March 16 - 17, 2013    White Plains NY , USA
The Westchester County Home Show is the largest and longest running regional Home Show in the area. Located at the Westchester County Center in prestigious White Plains, NY, this home show boasts an elite attendance from one of the wealthiest enclaves in the metropolitan area.

With New York City just a stone's throw away, this home show offers a diverse array of home products and services, with a metro flair, featuring local, state and national vendors, presenting innovative and imaginative displays. Attendees are sure to find great deals on everything their home needs!


Saturday, 11am to 6pm
Sunday, 11am to 5pm


Location: Westchester County Center
Contact 198 Central Avenue Route 119 at Central Ave 10606-1119 White Plains , USA
+1 (914) 995-4050