February 9 - 10, 2013    Houten , Netherlands

Europe’s largest Emigration Expo is the meeting place for theentire emigration industry. You can find out all about the themes of living, working, studying and running a business abroad on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 February 2013 in Expo Houten. More than 150 national and internationalexhibitors have been cleverly grouped in countries and regions and spread over 3 halls; Europe, Overseas destinations and Scandinavia.

In addition the Emigration Expo offers more than 80 free presentations by specialists, hands-on experts and emigrants so that you can find out all about your opportunities abroad in a very short time.


Location: Expo Houten
Contact Meidoornkade 24 3992 AE Houten , Netherlands
+31 (0)30/6349100

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