February 3 - 4, 2011    london , United Kingdom
Moving & Handling People 2011 has become recognised as the professional update for those working in this area of practice, designed for both hands-on practitioners and managers with a strategic role in risk management and moving and handling in their organisation.

Key to safer people handling is an awareness of handling techniques and the use of equipment but also understanding how moving and handling is part of Health and Safety for everyone, carer patient and client and how these fit into the wider context of risk management.


Location: Business Design Centre
Situated in fashionable Islington, the Business Design Centre is London’s most stylish venue, playing host to over 80 exhibitions and 250 conferences every year. We are also the permanent home to over..
Contact 52 Upper St., London Greater London Twickenham , United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7359 3535