March 1 - 3, 2011    Moscow , Russia
Innovative Materials and Technologies Special Exhibition Salon within the framework of the International Forum ATOMEXPO-2010

The International Exhibition ATOMEXPO is undoubtedly a key nuclear-related event in Russia.It is aimed to demonstrate advance of Russian and foreign nuclear companies, suppliers of equipment, products and services, promises to be challenging and intense. The Exhibition gives a unique opportunity of displaying your company's products and services to top managers and specialists of one of the most promising industries of the Russian economy.


Location: Crocus Expo
International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo is one of the new, modern and future exhibition sites worldwide. The absolute leader in the size of exhibition space. The total area of three pavilions of..
Contact Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Ring Road, Trade and Exhibition Complex Crocus City Moskva 143400 Moscow , Russia
+7 (495) 727-2524, 727-2626, 727-11-38

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