October 5 - 7, 2010    Chicago IL , USA
The In-Store Marketing Expo is the one place where you will acquire the knowledge, tools and resources to:

* Create relevant experiences that have lasting impact on your brand equity
* Reinvent your brand to align with shifting consumer values
* Thrive in the economic downturn by marketing effectively to Moms
* Collaborate with in-store professionals across all categories and channels who are facing the same challenges you are
* Connect and exchange ideas with vendors who can help you achieve your objectives at retail


Location: Navy Pier
Navy Pier is the place where all of Chicagoland and tourists from around the world have come together since 1995 to enjoy the beauty and the thrills of a day on Lake Michigan. From rides to..
Contact 600 East Grand AvenueNavy Pier , IL 60611 Chicago , USA
+1 (312) 595-7437

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