February 8 - 9, 2012    Paris , France
From 2012, Aerosol Forum becomes Aerosol & Dispensing Forum to meet the growing interest shown by attendees for dispensing technologies: spray, spray of liquid products, pastes and powders. Indeed the experts of the industry consider that we have to cope with the evolution of the industry and broaden the use of aerosol to the dispensing systems.Aerosol & Dispensing Forum will be held simultaneously with the PCD (Perfumes, Cosmetics & Design). This is the opportunity to bring together all players in cosmetics, aerosols and dispensing technologies on a common platform, each event retaining its own identity.

The exhibition area, a genuine technological showcase, will bring together more than 1 20 exhibitors, major packaging suppliers (materials, converters, artwork, dispensing, packaging, services and technologies providers). Over 2.000 packaging experts from 40 countries are expected to attend the next edition.


Location: Espace Champerret
Espace Champerret is renowned for its shows organised on a human scale. Located at the heart of West Paris, this Zen space is a haven of peace and a leading venue for recently-created shows and..
Contact 6 rue Jean Oestreicher - 75017 Paris , France

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