January 25 - 27, 2011    Leipzig , Germany
The TerraTec is the only environmental trade fair taking place in Germany in 2011 with a broad offering of environmental technologies and services.

Focal Points in 2011:

Decentralized wastewater technology / water supply
Waste management and recycling
Process measurement, control and analysis technologies
Soil conservation

Nationally, the TerraTec covers primarily the market of the new federal states. Internationally, it focuses on the markets of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), especially when it comes to exchanging experience and cultivating business relations in the fields of supply and disposal between Western and Eastern Europe.

Opening hours:
25 - 27/01/2011:
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Day ticket   17 €
Day ticket (preregistered)  13 €
Day ticket (reduced)*   11 €
Permanent ticket  30 €
Permanent ticket (preregistered)  24 €


Location: Leipziger Messe
Leipzig Exhibition Centre - the top address for international business With more than 800 years of history, Leipziger Messe is one of the world's oldest trade fairs. Flexibility, the power of renewal,..
Contact Messe-Allee 1, Postfach 100720 Leipzig , Germany
+49 341 678-0

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