January 24 - 28, 2020    Frankfurt , Alemania

Visitantes: 45304
Expositores: 1085
At Christmasworld, shops and cities that want to stand out from the crowd will also find eye-catching shop-window and in-shop decorations, including moving figures and indoor and outdoor lighting. After all, it’s the first impression that counts for whether customers want to discover more or not.


Location: Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt corporate group, one of the world’s leading exhibition corporations, organizes more than 100 trade fairs worldwide and is one of the few global players in the trade fair sector. The..
Contact Ludwig Erhard Anlage 1 Frankfurt , Germany
+49 (0)69/7575-0


Messe Frankfurt Rus
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky prospect 39, bldg.80
+7 495 649-87-75

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Christmasworld January 25 - 29, 2013
Christmasworld January 27 - 31, 2012
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