19 September, 2018    london , Reino Unido
As a business owner, finding valuable peer business relationships and opportunities for sharing and learning can be very difficult. You often have to rely on your own abilities and experience to make decisions regarding important business issues, strategic or tactical, without having all the information you'd like. That's pretty normal in a business of course, but speaking to a peer can often spark something to help overcome those challenging moments, or share an idea to take your business to that next level. We know the power of peer-to-peer learning; we see it in our workshops! So we've created this Speed Networking event to offer you mutual support, learning and peer advice in a format that allows you to gain different perspectives and insight into your business and your challenges. It will be a fun and fast-paced evening of Speed Networking with like-minded business owners whilst making new and valuable connections.


Location: WeWork Aldgate East
Contact 2 Leman Street, London, E1 8FA, United Kingdom london , United Kingdom