November 15 - 16, 2011
Financial Modeling and Analysis teaches students how to conceive of and build a financial model from beginning-to-end, followed by due diligence. This course demonstrates how financial models guide commercial discussions. Participants will learn how to negotiate off the financial model.

This course will utilize a Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") pro forma approach derived from a full suite of financial statements: 1) Income Statement, 2) Statement of Retained Earnings, 3) Balance Sheet and, 4) Statement of Cash Flow. Participants use "hot keys" and page-setup techniques to build a fully integrated pro forma DCF model from a list of assumptions. The "mouseless" Excel techniques employed dramatically reduce model coding time. Next, delegates learn how to integrate all financial statements to produce a correctly-balanced Balance Sheet, without circularities. The class will use this model as a guide to review commercial issues, negotiate strategies and analyze financial ratios. Finally, the course demonstrates the power of Monte Carlo simulation analysis creating a dynamic decision-making tool and elevating beyond simple static input and output spreadsheets.


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